FOUR Hells Angels have been arrested following a brawl and shooting in Sydney's west, police say. Police say detectives from the gangs squad, which has been investigating bikie gang gun violence, arrested the alleged outlaw motorcycle gang members on Tuesday. The arrests came after shots were fired during a confrontation between bouncers and men wearing Hells Angels colours at a hotel in Parramatta after 11pm (AEST) on Friday. Police are alleging the men became aggressive when they were turned away from the hotel and the melee spilled onto the street where bouncers were pushed, punched, spat on and threatened. Two of the men were allegedly seen on Harris Street with a sword and a handgun about two hours later and shots were fired at security guards. The men ran into a nearby reserve, police say, and no one was injured. Detectives raided five homes in west and northwest Sydney on Tuesday morning and arrested three 26-year-old men and one aged 23. They were questioned by police and investigations were continuing.
Hells Angel sites Search

Wednesday, 18 July 2012
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Nineteen Hells Angels gang members indicted in South Carolina
Twenty or so bikers were arrested Thursday during an FBI-led raid in the Carolinas that targeted a prominent chapter of the Hells Angels. While the arrests themselves were noteworthy, the interesting news comes from the indictments that accompanied the arrests, which, as the the Charlotte Observer explains, offer "a rare glimpse into the secret workings" of the notorious biker gang, which the feds describe as a highly-organized drug-dealing enterprise that uses intimidation and violence to promote "a climate of fear." The arrests (the exact number is either 19 or 20, depending on whether you listen to the Observer or the Associated Press) were the culmination of a two-year investigation by the FBI and local law enforcement agencies into the Rock Hill City chapter of the group made (in)famous, in part, by Hunter S. Thompson's 1966 new journalism classic Hell's Angels. Among the insider details revealed in the 91-count indictment: The clubs has a strict organizational structure not unlike one you might find at your local rotary club (from president to treasurer and on down to the rank-and-file members). The gang refers to their regular chapter meetings as "church," and to members as "full patch" because they wear full Hells Angels three-piece jackets and vests. Prospective members undergo a long hazing process, often including running errands and doing menial tasks for members in addition to participating in criminal activities. Full membership is only possible with the unanimous vote of all chapter members, and both members and their girlfriends and wives wear the number 81, which stands for the alphabetical positions of the letters H and A. Members who get kicked out of their chapter must color over their Hells Angels tattoos. The Rock Hill City chapter members face various charges of intimidation, extortion, narcotics distribution, money laundering, arson, trafficking in stolen goods, prostitution, and firearms trafficking. The 62-year-old group is international, and was recently the target of large-scale raids across northern Germany.