father and son were part of a large group of Hells Angels bikies in Kings Cross who assaulted, threatened and intimidated police, a magistrate has been told. Detective Senior Constable Mark Spice said Michael Doyle spat saliva in his eye, and threatened to take a contract out on "all your c***s" if his son wasn't okay. Det Spice said the son, Zeke Doyle, whom he saw punch two officers, threatened to kill him, saying, "I'm the wrong c*** to f*** with". Advertisement: Story continues below Michael Doyle, 50, and his 23-year-old son, of Oakdale, pleaded not guilty in Sydney's Downing Centre Local Court to charges including assaulting, resisting and intimidating police. Their barrister, Peter Doyle (no relation), suggested to Det Spice on Monday that he was not in fear of or intimidated by the pair after they were on the ground, face-down and in handcuffs. He disagreed, saying he feared they could take some action against him, such as a "drive-by at my house, I could be followed home from work, it could be anything". Det Spice, from Strike Force Raptor which was set up to target bikie violence, said the Doyles were in a group of about 50 to 60 Hells Angels walking in a "structured line" around midnight on February 4 through Kings Cross. He heard a number yelling out,: "Where's that dog Wis?", which he believed was a reference to a Nomad bikie who had previously been associated with the Hells Angels. Det Spice said he had responded to an urgent call for assistance and used a digital camera to record the bikies, who greatly outnumbered police. Det Spice said Michael Doyle glared at him so he shone his torch in Doyle's face as lighting for the camera and told him to go. After Doyle spat in his eye, Det Spice said he used capsicum spray on him in fear of further assault and he used it again on Doyle's son when he saw him punch another officer. He said he called Doyle senior "you grub" when he arrested him for spitting on him. Under cross-examination, he agreed the son Zeke Doyle suffered a wound on his forehead but denied using his baton to inflict the injury or having seen what caused it. He denied suggestions that when the bikies were walking along, police were calling, "Move along you maggots, keep walking you dogs." He further denied a suggestion that police kicked at the heels of Doyle senior three times before he turned around and spat. Sen Constable Ben Laborato testified that Zeke Doyle punched him in the face, leaving him with marks and a bloody nose. The hearing is continuing.
Hells Angel sites Search

Monday, 18 June 2012
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
shooting a cop dead is now legal in the state of Indiana.
Governor Mitch Daniels, a Republican, has authorized changes to a 2006 legislation that legalizes the use of deadly force on a public servant — including an officer of the law — in cases of “unlawful intrusion.” Proponents of both the Second and Fourth Amendments — those that allow for the ownership of firearms and the security against unlawful searches, respectively — are celebrating the update by saying it ensures that residents are protected from authorities that abuse the powers of the badge. Others, however, fear that the alleged threat of a police state emergence will be replaced by an all-out warzone in Indiana. Under the latest changes of the so-called Castle Doctrine, state lawmakers agree “people have a right to defend themselves and third parties from physical harm and crime.” Rather than excluding officers of the law, however, any public servant is now subject to be met with deadly force if they unlawfully enter private property without clear justification. “In enacting this section, the general assembly finds and declares that it is the policy of this state to recognize the unique character of a citizen's home and to ensure that a citizen feels secure in his or her own home against unlawful intrusion by another individual or a public servant,” reads the legislation. Although critics have been quick to condemn the law for opening the door for assaults on police officers, supporters say that it is necessary to implement the ideals brought by America’s forefathers. Especially, argue some, since the Indiana Supreme Court almost eliminated the Fourth Amendment entirely last year. During the 2011 case of Barnes v. State of Indiana, the court ruled that a man who assaulted an officer dispatched to his house had broken the law before there was “no right to reasonably resist unlawful entry by police officers.” In turn, the National Rifle Association lobbied for an amendment to the Castle Doctrine to ensure that residents were protected from officers that abuse the law to grant themselves entry into private space. “There are bad legislators,” the law’s author, State Senator R. Michael Young (R) tells Bloomberg News. “There are bad clergy, bad doctors, bad teachers, and it’s these officers that we’re concerned about that when they act outside their scope and duty that the individual ought to have a right to protect themselves.” Governor Daniels agrees with the senator in a statement offered through his office, and notes that the law is only being established to cover rare incidents of police abuse that can escape the system without reprimand for officers or other persons that break the law to gain entry. “In the real world, there will almost never be a situation in which these extremely narrow conditions are met,” Daniels says. “This law is not an invitation to use violence or force against law enforcement officers.” Officers in Indiana aren’t necessarily on the same page, though. “If I pull over a car and I walk up to it and the guy shoots me, he’s going to say, ‘Well, he was trying to illegally enter my property,’” Sergeant Joseph Hubbard tells Bloomberg. “Somebody is going get away with killing a cop because of this law.” “It’s just a recipe for disaster,” Indiana State Fraternal Order of Police President Tim Downs adds. “It just puts a bounty on our heads.”
Friday, 8 June 2012
Agents arrested 19 members of the gang’s "Rock Hell City Nomad" chapter
Hells Angels biker gang living in Lexington County were arrested during a federal roundup in the Carolinas this week. Agents arrested 19 members of the gang’s "Rock Hell City Nomad" chapter living in the Midlands and the greater Charlotte area following a 91-count indictment with charges including racketeering, racketeering conspiracy under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, which stiffly punishes organized criminal acts. Other charges include narcotics violations, Hobbs Act robbery, money laundering and firearms violations. Seven of the gang members arrested were from Lexington County: Daniel Eugene “Diamond Dan” Bifield and Lisa Ellen Bifield, both of Batesburg-Leesville; Bruce James “Bruce-Bruce” Long, Trent Allen Brown and Somying “Ying” Anderson, all of West Columbia; James Frederick “Big Fred” Keach Jr. of Pelion; and Bruce Ranson “Diesel” Wilson of Swansea. Video from around the world Dan Bifield is named first in the indictment and described as the founder and "full-patch" member of the chapter, its former president and currently serving as its vice president. Indictee Lisa Bifield, also known as Lisa Ellen Meyers and Lisa Ellen Stockton, is Dan Bifield's wife. Bruce Long also is described as a full-patch member of the chapter, meaning he had the right to wear the full suite of club and chapter emblems and colors. Keach is described in the indictment as a member of the Red Devils Motorcycle Club until February 2012. The Red Devils were a so-called support club created by the Rock Hell City Nomad chapter from smaller outlaw biker groups. The Red Devils River City Chapter used a clubhouse at 5622 SC 302, West Columbia. Keach is accused of possessing with intent to distribute a controlled drug called clonazepam on several occasions between May and August 2011. He is accused of carrying a firearm during that activity, a separate count, and of participating in the June 14, 2011, sale of firearms, specifically three Taurus 85 .38 revolvers and a Glock 19 9mm pistol. He also is accused of selling an Armscor of the Phillipines 1911 .45 pistol and ammunition on Sept. 20, 2011, and a GSG-1911 .22 pistol and silencer the next day. Possession of the silencer is another count against him. Bruce Wilson is named in the indictment as a participant in the June 14, 2011, illegal firearms sale. Anderson is named as a participant in the distribution of cocaine on Aug. 5, 2011 in South Carolina. Twenty-three search warrants were served during the arrests. Agents seized methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, pills and about 100 guns, including two automatic machine guns, during the operation. The arrests follow a two-year investigation by the South Carolina Hells Angels Task Force with the help of several federal agencies and sheriff’s departments in the Carolinas. Other items seized include: • about $300,000 in cash; • nine Harley Davidson motorcycles ranging in model year from 1986 to 2009; • a 2012 Ford F250 owned by Brown; • contents of five bank accounts belonging to Long, Oiler, Rhodus, Thrower and Baker; • miscellaneous personal and real property "constituting, or derived from any proceeds the Defendans obtained, directly or indirectly, as the result of" their alleged crimes, and • real estate at 4542 Doby Bridge Road, Fort Mill, titled to God's Few MC, Inc., the name of the motorcycle gang Daniel Bifield purportedly turned into the Rock Hell City Nomad chapter of the Hells Angels.